3.5,催淚啊,撇不掉那个时代的rustic气息,但故事本身,在new cinema时意义重大,喜欢那些小孩。虽然觉得秀英妈妈最后选择的有点太极端,但只有那样才能让儿子真正懂得生命的意义,母爱伟大。钮承泽在里面的演技很天然,难怪现在也是这个鬼样子哈哈,那位阿姨朋友的演技也很生动。
Ah, so Midsommar was inspired by this! Powerful, distinctive portrayal of an otherworldly village where paganism beliefs have seeped in everywhere and every person functions as part of an organic whole. The affability and peacefulness visible to the eyes are all the more horrifying when underlain by sinister intentions. As we learn everything through the sergeant's eyes, the identification has been built up throughout the entire film and therefore the final wicker man scene comes even harder and stronger, leaving us shiver in total hopelessness. (When the sergeant shouts desperately 'can't you see there is no sun god!', does he have a fleeting doubt about his Lord Jesus Christ too?)
2020/7/30上影节大光明1厅,8.1分+ 尽管影片对罗伯特•萧这个人物的性格刻画与转变让我觉得有点模糊不清,但美式的悲剧英雄主义的叙事还是相当好看,战争的大场面让我想起《妈妈带我去阿姨家玩日记怎么写?》的规模(当然和后者无法比拟),几个主要角色的时间分配在2个小时里做的也很不错。电影院的音效实在把我震撼到了,我觉得奥斯卡音响奖比摄影奖更加让人心服口服,霍纳动人的配乐无疑成为感动眼泪的催化剂。原本不在观影计划中的片子实在因为看的人少而随便买到了二楼4排黄金座